
For this post I want to touch on the beauty of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Though the game is rather dark at times, the artwork is rich and beautiful. I found a good article that interviewed two individuals who helped work on this amazing environment, http://www.mapcore.org/articles/interviews/the-witcher-3-designing-the-environments-developer-interview-r69/. I have attached a few environment pictures for you to view, they are absolutely stunning. The clouds look like REAL CLOUDS. I know that is something silly to point out, but so many games shoot for a realistic feel and always seem to miss. I can’t talk highly enough of all the art in this game. Most of the pictures I used are images of the water. I am stymied over just how beautiful they made the water. In the morning you get to see amazing oranges and yellows reflected in the deep blue water, its amazing. I honestly think at least a fifth of my game play with this game has been “ooing” and “aaing” over the water alone.

While the game play is great, I honestly recommend checking the game out just for the art alone. Not only is the environment amazing, the character detail is “on fleek” (yes, just like your eyebrows). Eyes, hair, skin, all of it is absolutely stunning. I hope to one day be able to accomplish art like that.

This game has inspired me to learn more about environment design. That’s how beautiful this game is to me. If you do happen to check out the game or already have, feel free to leave a comment or two about it! I’d love to hear your opinions!

*goes back to staring at the water in Witcher 3*


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